Our Summer Program!

Our Summer Program was a big success. Kids 4 Harmony played in Richmond, in Pittsfield, was on the radio... Our August 6th event at Spice Dragon was a big hit. Aside from being about 1000 degrees in the room, everything went beautifully!
Leila and Gerdlie staying together; Robert watching!

The crowd was big, supportive, and very surprised at the skill level of our players. The last time they heard Pictures at an Exhibition, we had just started scratching away at it. This time, it was played with finesse! Not to mention the grand finale: a piece written by a student!

Nate's first world premeire

What was perhaps most striking was the pride with which they played! Notice the bow grips also! Many people who had come out to show support were expecting to withstand a concert of shy, young performers who could barely play, let alone project. Boy, were they surprised... You can even see Eli Newberger sitting in the back of this picture, with a look of subtle satisfaction. 
Proud performers
Most important, though, was how much FUN everyone had! 

What does "shy" mean again?

So, after a little break, we'll be getting back into the swing of things next Thursday. Viva la musica!