Pittsfield Promise Event

On Wednesday, October 17th, at 11:45 am, six kids got on a school bus out of Morningside and went over to the Berkshire Museum.

Those were our kids! We had been invited to bring six children to perform at the Pittsfield Promise luncheon. We chose a mix of new and experienced talents: Gerdrose, Hannah, Geivens, Sarah, Jay'Niah and Armani all came along. They got to see a little of the museum, some for the first time, and got a nice lunch along with a lot of applause during their rehearsal.

The six kids rehearsing with "Maestro" Simon Brown
They got to check out a little of the museum before it was time to play. The audience in the large upstairs gallery had grown from a meandering 25 to over 200 people! The kids were quiet and respectful while President and CEO of Berkshire Children and Families, Carolyn Burns, gave a moving speech on how music affects literacy.
Carolyn Burns
Then, Kids 4 Harmony played. The applause was huge! People couldn't believe that Armani and Jay'Niah had only been playing a month and a half! Check out the video:

When Geivens, Hannah, Gerdrose and Sarah finished with Pictures at an Exhibition, in three-part harmony, people realized where Armani and Jay'Niah would be in a few more months. There were more than a few eyes that were trying to hide tears.

Armani and Jay'Niah
To top it all off, Pittsfield Promise gave each child a shiny new copy of Shel Silverstein's The Giving Tree, one of the best children's books ever written.

Overall, it was a pretty good time.

Left to right: Geivens, Simon Brown, Jay'Niah, Alicia Stevenson, Armani, Hannah, Sarah, Gerdrose.